Mungkin separuh diriku dah move on,
Mungkin jugak kurang dari separuh..
Dan selebihnya? aku masih berjuang
Melawan diri sendiri, hampir setiap hari
Tiada siapa yg faham, aku seperti mati
Aku tak pernah ada keyakinan pada diri aku
Macam mana aku nak ada rasa itu sedangkan aku still x dpt terima diri aku completely
Aku selalu teringin sngt utk menyumbang sesuatu to anyone,
I want to help out, I want to contribute, even the smallest thing
But i never do, coz I think I'm not qualify...
I'm not qualified coz I am me.
Will they accept helps from this person?
I wanna love and being loved,
But I can never have it
Coz I am me.
Simply just because this is me.
I dunno how to accept myself
I always think everyone actually secretly hating me
For the things I'm not sure
But for me to hate myself, I got the reasons
I can't forgive me
I can't accept me
I want to sleep
Long sleep
Deep sleep
In a world that I can accept myself
I wanna sleep.
New Year?
1 month ago
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