Saturday, April 14, 2012

Assalamualaikum, peace be upon you..=)

Well, I decided to post about this title 'Quran and science' since I think it is very important for us and for myself to know and do research about the scientific hint being given in Quran.

So brothers and sisters, read this and dun yawn!!:D

"Let the human reflect of what he is created; He was created from ejaculated water; that issues from between the loins and the ribs." (Quran; At-Tariq: 5-7)

What these verses mean? can u just translate it by ur own understanding just like that without doing any research and refer to the Muslim scholars? If every person can translate it by their own understanding, then those scholars who studying for Quran tafsir about more than 40 years are useless.

So, let’s read it through deeply. And for ur information, the info about this is not originally from me, I'm not a professional scientist and also not a high-knowledge Muslim scholar in Tafsir. I just share what i read in book entitled: "Quran Saintifik; meneroka kecemerlangan Quran daripada teropong sains" by Dr. Danial Zainal Abidin. OK back to the topic, there are two main words in these verses that needed to be observed and understand. There are the word 'loins' and 'ribs'. These verses told us that human was created from ejaculated water that was produced between loins and ribs. Without referring this to tafsir scholars and without doing any deep research, we will misunderstand this verse. Quran never wrong and there is no single mistake in it, the wrong is the human who misunderstand its meanings.

Basically, these verses explained about 2 topics. Firstly, this topic involves the creation of the human from the ejaculated water. Secondly, topic which involves the system that ejaculates the water where the system was located between 'sulbi' and 'taraib'.

The term 'ejaculated water' was translated from original language of Quran which is Arabic; 'daafiq'. Based on 'Hans wehr A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic' by J Milton Cowan, the word 'daafiq' means 'bursting forth, breaking out, erupting, gushing, and torrential. Based on al-Asas fi al-Tafsir by Said Hawa, this term refer to the water that produce by woman and man. For males, this water refer to semen while for females, this water refer to the water that covered the ovum in a reservoir inside the ovary. The reservoir known’s as follicle. When the ovum becomes mature, the follicle in the ovary will burst out and ejaculates water that known as antrum fluid, which in it containes ovum, into the fallopian tube. This theory was being written by Henry Gray in 'Anatomy of The Human Body (1918). Based on Ibn Kathir tafsir translation and explanation about the ejaculated water, it also similar with this theory. He said, "It was the ejaculation of semen from male and female and also the result of the combination and meeting of those two will create offspring by Allah's will". This tafsir didn't mention that the ejaculated water is from males only, but also from females. However, with the limited scientific knowledge at that time, he named this ejaculated water as 'semen' even though the word 'semen' never being used in Quran by Allah.

What was being told by Allah through the verse, "that issues from between the loins and the ribs."; actually related to the sexual and reproductive system of males and females.
About Sulbi, based on Hamka in Tafsir al-Azhar, sulbi word refers to the line of male's backbones. Based on Hans Wehr dictionary, sulbi means vertebral column, loin, which based on The American Heritage Dictionary, it can refer to 'human reproductive organs'. Hence, Sulbi can give a meaning of an area between the hip and bottom which has reproductive and sexual system in it. It doesn't mean the backbones specifically.

About the word taraib, it refers to chest, thorax. The gamete from males in semen and gamete from females in antrum fluid cerainly produced by a system that located between the hip and bottom area (sulbi) and chest (taraib).

As a conclusion, the verse; "Let the human reflect of what he is created; He was created from ejaculated water; that issues from between the loins and the ribs." (Quran; At-Tariq: 5-7) can be understand in scientific way;

"Let the human reflect of what he is created; He was created from ejaculated water (which contained gametes which ejaculated from male and female sex organs); that issues from (produced from a system which the process taken place) between the loins (hip area) and the ribs (chest)."

Quran is the guidance for all humankind. Quran never be modified or altered even one single letter of it since more than 1400 years ago. There are so many scientific explanations in it while human at that time still not find the real answer through their own research but Quran already got the answer. Quran is not a science book, so no need for Allah to list down a detail scientific notes in it, He just give us the hint, it’s our part to further the research and investigate the message behind it. We should do a research to strengthen the truth of Quran, not to doubt it. Quran never wrong since its words from Allah, from God, but it’s human who wrong for not try to understand it in correct way.


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