Some people say a freedom is the freedom for each individual to do anything they want in their life.
Hmmmm…if like that, the world could be worse? As example, person A who is rich and wealthy want to use his money for something joyful or waste it for anything he want. Fine, it’s his right. Just do that. Then, person B who is poor and in need want to use his right and freedom to ask help and support from the person A. Fine, his own right and freedom. Just do that. But…is the person A want to use his money for something else? And what if he hesitates to give it to the person B? It’s still his freedom right? That’s freedom right. Is this the meaning of freedom that has been campaign until now?
But for me, and I believe for all my brothers and sisters too; the definition of freedom is to do the right thing without any prejudice and discrimination. That’s our definition of freedom.
I give a simple example for us Muslim. All muslim women who already reach their puberty must cover their aurat properly or wearing hijab. For Islam, to wear a hijab is the right thing and obligatory. For some muslim women who not wearing it, there must be some reasons behind it and we as sisters and brothers should not condemn or hate them for that. Instead we should advice and teach them the real Islamic concept. Most of the muslim women who wearing hijab do it because of their desire and will. No one ever force them and this comes from inside of their heart and they did just for Allah and not because of human. By enforce a law that against this and to put a state which other people may discriminate it, is a kind of thing that against human freedom. Why? Because such law forcing these women to stop doing the right thing in their own religion. That's cruel!
It’s just same when a person being stopped from doing a charity towards particular group of people who in need. Simple example, when one boy A is stopped from giving water to one boy B when he sees this boy thirsty. The one who stopped it maybe his parents or sister or brother and the reason is sometimes can’t be accepted. Could it be that the boy A’s brother/sister hates this boy B but to hide the true reason, the sister/brother told the boy A that ‘u can’t give him water because I saw he steal from someone just now’ and the truth is not like that. It’s the same concept, just in the different situation whether it’s big or small matter. This is just a simple example. The true meaning of freedom is not to do anything u wants freely, but the meaning of freedom is to use the freedom correctly to do something right without any prejudice and discrimination from the surroundings.
And I read a post from my favorite site, and it was like strikes right into my heart. It’s a freedom but in a different way. A freedom for a Muslim is to free themselves from any pressure and a fixed system. OK, let’s say we have to finish our assignment in a week and was given a date for the submission. Then, we will struggle to complete it and submit it on the date given. During the process of completing this assignment, what actually our intention? Are we doing that just to obey the system being put on us? Or we do that coz we scared if the lecturer will deduct our mark? Don’t we feel so tied up to such system? Have we tried to free ourselves? How to free ourselves from it? Is it by just drop out the course and then having a long holiday at home? No, that gonna be a disaster. LOL, the way is by set in our mind to put Allah first and to obey just to Allah not to the system. :D
First of all, ask ourselves, we study for what? Is it just to get job and then to accumulating money? Then how we spend the money? Why don’t we study for Allah, so we can do ‘dakwah’ for Islam. How? For sure to do dakwah is not easy, sometimes we need money, if no money, how can we show the right example and model to our ‘dakwah target’? They can’t see a successful view from us. If no money, how can we buy transport to spread the dakwah? And how lucky that person is if he or she success in career and have a big sum of money that soon he or she use that money for akhirat and Islam! For Allah! If we say we can do lots of ‘ibadah’ like tahajjud, going for hajj, fasting, and so on and we think we have enough good deeds? What will we say if we see a rich guy who also doing the same things as us, he prays, fasting, go hajj, and so on AND his good deeds more than us because he can use his wealthy and money for Islam! He can donate for the poor and he even can contribute for dakwah organization. And we just can support him and see he invest his money on akhirat. We are less than him in that. How lucky he is. So then, why don’t we strive for success by put Allah as our only One that we obey to and as our goal in order to get His blessings. Please don’t feel like being tied up to the system because we are owned by Allah not that system. Free yourself from now. ;)
New Year?
1 month ago
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